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Male, 39 years, born on 28 June 1985
Actively searching for a job
Nizhny Novgorod, not willing to relocate, prepared for business trips
Health manager/ coordinator
- Chief physician, head of department
Employment: full time, project work
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, rotation based work
Work experience 15 years 6 months
October 2019 — October 2024
5 years 1 month
Saipem (CSTS JV)
Health Project Coordinator
Role synopsis:
• Provides technical Occupational Health and Routine and Emergency Medical Service expertise to employees and project stakeholders;
• Acts as a single point of contact for contract health service providers, food and water hygiene and safety requirements, industrial hygiene obligations;
• Delivers occupational health program, including, but not limited to: promotion of workplace health and well-being, accommodation health safety monitoring, malaria awareness program, medical fitness and fitness for task certification monitoring and updating, food hygiene (HACCP) and accommodation inspections, site hygiene and sanitation surveillance;
• Ensures and verifies through regular drilling emergency medical and food safety services preparedness;
• Available 24/7 to support employees in case of medical emergencies or urgencies on site.
Key accountabilities:
• Providing leadership to the Project medical team, food safety, industrial and occupational hygiene departments to assure conformance to project, legislation and best practice requirements.
• Providing Health coordination for all matters relating to Occupational Health, Industrial Hygiene and Medical service on site;
• Supervision for events which require technical Occupational Health, Industrial Hygiene, Food safety and accommodation support including, but not limited to: FFT application and renewal process, malaria awareness process, food safety audit, fatigue management, proper and timely recording and reporting to Corporate Health department;
• Advising HSE management to assist with correct classification of occupational injuries and illness;
• Input, review and updating of Health Risk Assessment register;
• Review and feedback on project health, food and drinking water plans, industrial hygiene register;
• Providing input into Scope of Work (SoW) and health terms for all subcontractors and third party contracts;
• Responds to health related incidents and disease outbreaks/clusters and provide support and advice on health/food safety related incident Investigations;
• Assessing occupational health/food safety risks and advising on risk control measures and strategy;
• Conducting Self Verification and Contractor Oversight as planned;
• Participating in health promotion activities.
April 2019 — May 2019
2 months
Tecnimont Russia
HSE Superviser
All HSE activities during guarantee works on the Plant (Lukoil Perm). Coordinate Contractors and Subcontractors representatives.
August 2016 — March 2019
2 years 8 months
South Tambey LNG. Technip FMC. Arctic - 1
Sabetta (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area)
Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more
Health and Hygiene Coordinator
- evaluation of health risks for the personnel working on the site;
- control of the effect of harmful and poisonous factors on the personnel, measurement and evaluation; microclimate, the effect of low temperatures (project specificity), noise, vibration, chemical factors (pollution of the air in the area of welding operators’ respiration) , microbiological factors (control of drinking water) etc.;
- interaction with state authorities: Inspectorate-General for Labour, Federal Service on Surveillance for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being, preparation for inspections, development and monitoring of all the required documentation;
- monitoring of collective and personal protective equipment;
- control of training drills involving a medical team (along with the relevant services);
- weekly review inspections to control occupational health and safety, environment, fire safety and food and accommodation aspects;
- scheduled and unannounced inspections to observe the sanitary-and-epidemiological regulations and the requirements of occupational safety and health: catering facilities (canteens, cafes); residential facilities (dormitories, hotels); entertainment facilities (sauna, gym); offices, construction sites;
- special evaluation of working conditions in the organization;
- monitoring of first-aid medication offices and medical facilities both on project sites and in cases of medical emergency evacuation (personnel, equipment); observation of sanitary and hygiene requirements;
- organizing and running of first-aid courses for employees.
October 2013 — August 2016
2 years 11 months
Kores, LLC
Nizhny Novgorod
Head of the Department of Occupational Safety, Ecology and Industrial Hygiene (part-time work)
- coordination of the activity in the sphere of occupational health and safety, ecology and industrial hygiene;
- distribution of collective and personal protective equipment; to employees;
- ensuring priority of employees’ safety, investigation and registration of industrial accidents and occupational diseases;
- realization of the main directions of the state policy in the sphere of occupational health and safety: teaching the personnel to use safe methods and approaches in their work and to provide first-aid in case of industrial accidents;
- control of conducting the instructions on occupational health and safety and fire safety;
- organization of preliminary and periodical medication examinations of the personnel;
- control of the development of instructions on occupational health and safety, ecology and fire safety;
- control of the development of the required ecological documentation (maximum permissible emission, sanitary protection zone, waste generation and disposal targets, maximum permissible discharge etc.)
July 2012 — August 2016
4 years 2 months
RusVinyl, LLC
Chemical Production, Fertilizers... Show more
Industrial Hygiene Expert
- organizing and conducting of industrial control: physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic and psycho-hygienic factors at working places;
- organizing and conducting of special evaluation of working conditions (attestation of working places);
- control of observation of laws, sanitary requirements, hygienic norms, regulating safety and health of people working at manufacture (including public catering – based on principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, and hostels for contracting organizations);
- auditing of construction sites as a member of commission of occupational safety, ecology and industrial sanitation;
- participation in the investigation of the causes of emergencies, incidents and accidents and development of measures of their prevention (risk evaluation);
- organization of the personnel training of providing the first-aid to the people who got into an industrial accident;
-analysis and enhancement of the set goals in accordance with the requirements of international standards (ISO 7001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001);
- involvement in the permit-to-work system for contracting organizations and at manufacture in the hazardous work environment ;
- alcotesting, organizing and conducting primary and periodic medical examination of the personnel.
January 2012 — July 2012
7 months
Territorial Subdivision of the Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare in Saratov Region, Volsky Area of Saratov Region.
Government Organizations... Show more
Occupational Hygiene Expert
- supervision of the working conditions with machines, mechanisms, facilities, devices, apparatuses which are sources of physical impact on humans (noise, vibration, ultrasound, infrasound and thermal, ionizing, non-ionizing and other radiation), use of machines, mechanisms, facilities, devices, apparatuses as well as manufacture, use (application), transportation, storage and disposal of radioactive wastes, materials and other wastes that can have a negative effect on humans;
- supervision of working conditions, working places and working processes, technological equipment, organization of working places, collective and individual protective equipment, labor and leisure regimes, utility services of the employees to prevent injuries, occupational diseases, food outbreaks, infectious diseases and diseases (poisoning) caused by working conditions;
- supervision of conditions and methods of collecting, using, deactivating , transporting, storing and burying of industrial and consumers’ wastes;
- analysis and issuance of sanitary and epidemiological inspection reports on the projects in the areas and districts of sanitary control of water features, norms of maximum permissible water discharges, maximum permissible air emissions, norms of wastes formations and projects of their placement and sanitary protection zones;
- epidemiological monitoring of infectious/parasitic and food or water associated diseases;
February 2011 — January 2012
1 year
State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University (full-time training)
Educational Institutions... Show more
Teaching assistant at the Department of Epidemiology
- analysis and rearranging of lecture materials in accordance with the new legislative acts using up-to date methods of information presentation.
- carrying out the courses of professional enhancement for the medical personnel;
- prepared theoretical and practical training for food born and social diseases;
- participation in audits of the quality of the teaching process in accordance with quality standards ISO 9001;
January 2009 — January 2011
2 years 1 month
Federal Budgetary Institution of Public Health “Center of Railway Hygiene and Epidemiology”
Government Organizations... Show more
Industrial Hygienist
-sanitary-epidemiological expertise, investigation, examinations, research and toxicological, hygienic and other types of assessments in the sphere of environmental sanitation;
- participation in social-hygienic monitoring;
- management of the paramedical staff (health assistants);
- audit of HACCP requirements for canteens, restaurants etc.
- participation in research-to-practice conferences and meetings.
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Own car
Driver's license category BAbout me
I worked in 3 international projects in the sphere of construction, testing, commissioning and operation (Yamal LNG (Arctic-1), Ikra Project and Tangguh LNG - Saipem Indonesia) and in supervisory authorities (Federal Service on Surveillance for Consumer rights protection and human well-being and Federal State-Funded Healthcare Institution). I am ready to head the department of occupational health, safety and hygiene or join the team of professionals in this field.
Higher education (PhD)
State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University (full-time training)
Common Hygiene, Industrial Hygiene, PhD
Interregional Law Institute, subdivision of Saratov State Academy of Law (correspondence department)
Lawyer, Lawyer
Professional development, courses
ISO 22000:2018. Food safety Management system. Implementation and Internal Auditor Training Course.
BSI Training Academy (Indonesia, Jakarta)., Food safety Management
The organizer of healthcare. Chief medical officer (502 hours).
Nizhny Novgorod State Medical University , Healthcare
Saipem training center
Saipem & SMURD in Romania, ATLS/ ACLS
TechnipFMC., unique program of occupational health and safety “Pulse” and “Fundamentals of Behavior-Based Safety”. Internal Training.
Interdisciplinary Institution of Advanced Training of Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Interdisciplinary Institution of Advanced Training of Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Technosphere Safety . Safety of Technological Processes and Manufactures. (252 hours)
Non-State Owned Institution «BIOTA-PLUS».
Non-State Owned Institution «BIOTA-PLUS»., Occupational health and safety management system in organizations
Non-State Owned Institution “Resource Center of Nizhny Novgorod Regional Trade Union Associations”.
Non-State Owned Institution “Resource Center of Nizhny Novgorod Regional Trade Union Associations”., Mass teaching instructor of first-aid skills after an accident or an act of terror
Solvay, Training with practical classes of Solvay, (Belgium, France) in industrial hygiene and occupational health and safety
“Scientific Research Institution of Occupational Health and Safety”
“Scientific Research Institution of Occupational Health and Safety”, Special training in general issues of attestation of working places in respect to working conditions
“TUV SUD RUS”, LLC, Requirements of International Standards ISO 9001, 14001, OHSAS 18001
Fundamentals of Industrial Safety
Fundamentals of Industrial Safety, Fundamentals of Industrial Safety А1. Requirements of Industrial Safety in the Sphere of Chemical and Oil-Refining Industry B1
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Russia
Permission to work: Russia
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter